Marijuana – The Urban Buddha

Marijuana is such a controversial topic that it is shied away from by most people in religious arenas. It is that reason why real commentary on the subject has not been had. It can be risky, career-wise, sharing views on marijuana when dependent on sponsorship, representing an organization or a religious order. It is this reason I am free to discuss all matters of our existence without fear of losing money or popularity. As the Urban Buddha, I do not represent modern day Buddhist but am freed by it.

Have you ever asked why is marijuana such a big topic? Is it the mood altering properties? Is it because marijuana is a stepping stone for potential addictive personalities? Or is marijuana such a big topic because of opinion? Is it really a religious topic? I ask these questions to prod the mind into process. We need to be on one accord to delve into his thing. We need to be unbiased and free to look for ourselves without the influence of religion, laws and culture. Just two people using our gifts of observation.

What do we know of marijuana? We know that it is a plant. We know that it has sedative and hallucinogenic properties. We also know that it stimulates the appetite. We know that in some it causes paranoia. It It also can leave the user with a dry mouth feeling afterwards. Other effects include: muscle relaxation, sleep aid and impairment of motor functions. It can be ingested through extracts and made into foods, drinks and it can be smoked. Of course, smoking it has its own hazards.

I know that it is hard to conceive that people consume things for the feeling of high or euphoria but if you think about it man has always found a way to escape reality. We use drugs/alcohol, technology and boosted self deception to bridge the gap between normal interaction and social awkwardness. Entertainment has become education and hobby; marijuana offers a way to enjoy them with a heightened focus and euphoria. I don’t see the difference between using marijuana in this way or using alcohol to gain the confidence to approach a pretty girl at the bar. In this case, it is the user that needs a lesson in self appreciation. In this case marijuana is a tool to hide the self that is suffering.

Most use marijuana to escape the reality of a hard life or simply to enjoy pizza. Because of the wide reasons of use it will always be difficult to regulate marijuana. To me that is why it seems man spins his wheels on things instead of addressing the topics that warrant escape. I’ve seen people turn to high amounts of chocolate with worse damage to the body and self esteem.

There are also tremendous benefits of marijuana when taken responsibly. It is this, to me, lies the problem. Responsibility and accountability seems to be lacking in the individual user because a lack of real commentary on the topic. We have to have an abundance of respect for ourselves and the next before we can tackle this sort of subject. When two or more sane, balanced individuals meet and discuss a thing there is sure to be something beneficial submitted by all. Only then can we discuss responsibility and accountability. This is crucial if we are to reach a common ground. We should look to discuss common respect options instead of laws and regulations. Out of this type of meeting of mutual respect, law can be achieved.

There is a lack of compassion in the world. We claim we are a loving people and as individuals are constantly looking for love but at the same time we are narcissistic, envious and frightened of things different. For these reasons subjects like marijuana have become difficult for us to work out. We have yet to figure out the easiest of things like love; how can we expect to solve something so complicated?

Am I an advocate? I’m saying that if man were whole, holistic and real, I would not have to be. There are stronger natural things that man has used for healing than marijuana. Even chamomile and coffee beans have their effects. It is this reason that being a religious advocate for something so trivial can not be. My goal is for man to find one hundred percent love and truth and be made free by it. It is that man that shall determine what we shall do with marijuana.

– Urban Buddha

Instagram @Urban_Buddha31

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